How To Stay Positive when Negativity Seems to Be All Around You

You are in control of only two things: your thoughts and your deeds. This is one of the core principles of stoicism, an ancient Roman form of philosophy and thought that remains as relevant today as it did back when tyrannical Emperors were a daily concern. Life will never quite be the way we want it and sometimes, it can be very rough, indeed. Knowing how to stay positive is very important for your overall health and sanity.

When circumstances are tough and there is negativity all around us, we have to be able to look to our own thoughts and our own actions to know how to stay positive. You can control every circumstance of how your surroundings and the people around you work. You can, however, change how you approach them. If you can learn how to stay positive and resilient, you can get through whatever life throws at you.

Wait for and acknowledge the good

Something good will happen to you every single day. This is just a matter of probability. Someone will say something you need to hear, you will excel at a task, you will achieve a goal. Start expecting it when you wake up. More important, ensure you recognize it when it happens. If your expectations are negative, you are more prone to miss the good and only take the bad with you. Expect the good, and you’re more likely to notice it.

Affirm the good

When you do something good, acknowledge it verbally or to yourself. When you are aiming at a goal, express it and commit to it in words. If you have a long-term goal or desire, write it down and stick it up on a wall. Words have power and finding your own mantra can give you words that get more and more powerful the more you come back to them. Similarly, make sure you celebrate your accomplishments. That way, you are more likely to actually recognize the positive effect they have.

Stop worrying about what you cannot control

As mentioned, you are in control of only two things: your thoughts and your deeds. Focus your time and attention on what you can control with those two things. If you can’t change a circumstance through your own action, try changing your perspective on it. If that won’t work, then try not to focus on it. Switch your mind’s track and actively work or focus on something else that is actually under your control. 

Find balance in your worldview

Reading about current events might be important but added to the negativity that can sometimes surround you, it can be depressing. Actively look for information and knowledge that has a positive effect. Read about success stories, look for knowledge that helps you. We are more inclined to notice and report on the bad because we want to recognize risks. But nowadays, to avoid feeling like that risk is an oppressive force around every corner, you need to look for the good, too.

How To Stay Positive

Spend time with friends wisely

Negative people spread their negativity. In fact, many of them actively and consciously do it. You can recognize these traits easily. These are the people who are critical, contradicting, and sometimes cruel. If you meet these people, be well aware that you don’t have to engage. No matter how angry or bitter they might be and how much it is justified, they tend to tire themselves out in time if you just give them room to express. When they are willing to engage, turn the conversation to something productive or happy. If you can’t, simply stop talking to them. Instead, engage with those who are more positive or productive in their conversation.

Be active in your accomplishments

Make plans. The more you think about the steps towards a goal and your successful efforts in making those steps, the more likely success is. When it comes time to actually take on that task or challenge, you will feel like you have rehearsed it already. Sometimes, you will make a mistake and things won’t go how you expected them to. It’s important not to beat yourself up over these mistakes or think that they have any lasting effect on your competency. Instead, treat them as learning opportunities. What got in the way of success this time and what can you do differently to achieve it the next time?

The only constant in life is that things will change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. While adapting to change helps you survive, the one thing you shouldn’t adapt is your attitude. Always remember how to stay positive, no matter what life is like. It helps you get through the bad but it also helps you stay motivated and better enjoy the good.

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